At Alpine Lakes, we ask the question, what happened to you. Insead of, ‘what’s wrong with you.’ Many of us have gone through painful, stressful, or traumatic experiences that are stuck in the nervous system. Thus, healing starts with the nervous system, helping you to readjust and find peace and safety in your body.
Restoring your nervous system to a more regulated state allows you to safely participate in reprocessing, rewiring, and healing trauma and adversity.
Whether you work with one of our therapists to lay the groundwork necessary to move into trauma-focused treatment, or you are ready to dive into deeper healing, we are here to support you!
“You don’t have to get stuck in a negative experience. You don’t have to be a victim to external events, or internal emotions. You can use your mind to take charge of how you feel, and how you act.”
-Dan Siegel
At Alpine Lakes we offer a FREE trauma-informed yoga group to all of our clients. Trauma-Informed yoga is just one approach that helps heal and regulate your nervous system.
We also offer Affordable Counseling options! $60 per session to work with one of our interns.